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October 15, 2018 2 min read

What and Who is a vegan?

Some may think they are renegades of the norm, hipsters gagging for attention by spouting their loquacious reasoning for omitting all animal products from their diet or sensible individuals raising awareness of a trend that will help build a better world. Whatever your opinion, here are the facts:

  • Vegans are like vegetarians in that they don't eat:
    • Meat
    • Fish
    • Poultry
  • In addition vegans also don't use other animal products / by-products such as:
    • Eggs
    • Dairy
    • Honey
    • Leather
    • Fur
    • Silk
    • Wool
    • Cosmetics and soaps derived from animal products

Madness you say? Or perhaps a much better way to live? Each to their own, but here at iKegger we accept everyone and pass no judgement - we have some Vegans among us. And if you are a vegan, here are some ways we can help you to live your life in the most environmentally friendly and ethical manner:

Why Vegans Should Love iKegger

Many vegans adopt the vegan lifestyle to promote a more humane and caring world. It's not that they believe they are perfect, but that they have a social and individual responsibility to do their best, while not being judgmental of others (we hope).

How iKegger can help is providing a product that:

  • Waste-Free: iKegger stainless steel kegs and growlers can be reused again and again. Reducing waste through reduction in plastic packaging of individual beers, use of plastic cups etc.
  • Creamy Milk Free Coffee: If you haven't heard of Nitro Coffee you are missing out. With the iKegger Nitro Cocktail Package you can serve creamy cold brew coffee that tastes like it has a bit of milk in it. But the great news for those vegans out there, IT DOESN'T! 
  • Use Plant Based Milks too: We are selling our kegs and taps to cafes to store and serve soy, coconut and almond milks. Now you can have the same 'cafe-style' milk at home.

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